This website contains transfer models for specific combinations of feed contaminants and animals. The overview of the available transfer models can be found on the home page. Selecting the animal and the contaminant of interest will lead you to the webpage of the transfer model, where you can find a link to the user manual as well as a link to the model documentation (if already available).
In the model documentation you can find the description of the model including model equations, model assumptions and information about parameters, software used and model applicability. The original R-code, that illustrates the basic implementation of the model is provided as well. This code can be used freely and is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) expressly rejects all liability for the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the information provided. Use of the information is entirely at your own risk.
Below the model documentation documents available are listed. Model documentation will be added for all models available on the website.
For questions and/or suggestions, please contact us at
Model documentation for transfer models
Transfer model dioxins total TEQ laying hen v1.1 14-02-2024 Transfer model dioxins total TEQ laying hen v1.1PDF | 229.71 KB
Transfer model dioxins congener-specific laying hen v1.4 14-05-2024 Transfer model dioxins congener-specific laying hen v1.4PDF | 255.15 KB
Transfer model organochlorine pesticides laying hen v1.1 14-05-2024 Transfer model organochlorine pesticides laying hen v1.1PDF | 517.61 KB
Transfer model ndl-PCBs congener-specific laying hen v1.1 10-09-2024 Transfer model ndl-PCBs congener-specific laying hen v1.1PDF | 262.41 KB
Transfer model aflatoxin B1 dairy cow v1.1 04-03-2025 Transfer model aflatoxin B1 dairy cow v1.1PDF | 217.45 KB