This transfer model can be used to estimate the concentration of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs) (dioxins) in muscle fat of free-ranging cattle grazing in floodplains. In this context, ‘free-ranging cattle grazing in floodplains’ is defined as specific cattle breeds introduced by man to preserve landscape/nature areas by grazing in these areas year-round and generation on generation. These animals are not fed with commercial feed. This distinguishes them from regular cattle in the Netherlands, or cattle that grazes in the areas only during specific seasons. This model is only applicable to free-ranging cattle grazing in floodplains. 

The transfer of dioxins in these cattle is based on oral exposure to grass and soil possibly contaminated with dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs, using either contamination levels of individual congeners or total toxic equivalency (TEQ) levels.  

General information on how to use the transfer models on this website can be found under “How to use”. The specific manual for the transfer model dioxins (congener-specific) – free-ranging cattle grazing in floodplains can be found here. Detailed information about the model can be found in the model documentation as well as in the literature described below.  When using the model, please be aware of the proclaimer that applies to all models on the website. 

Source: Minnema J, Westerhout J, Hoogenboom LAP, Notenboom S, Jeurissen SMF. Updated transfer model for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in wild cattle - model documentation. RIVM Letter report 2014-0134; Minnema J, Notenboom S, Westerhout J, Hoogenboom LAP, Jeurissen SMF. Congener-specific transfer modelling of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in free-ranging cattle grazing in Dutch floodplains. Manuscript submitted. 

Additional information on contaminants in floodplains [in Dutch]: 
-    Risicobeoordelingen/advies-van-buro-over-gezondheidsrisicos-van-milieucontaminanten-in-wildernisvlees-afkomstig-van-uiterwaarden.
-    Signaaladvies-van-buro-over-bemonsteren-van-wildernisvlees-uit-uiterwaarden.

Please cite as: "Transfer model dioxins (congener-specific) – free-ranging cattle grazing in floodplains, version 1.1 (available via” when referring to this model.