Feed contaminants are substances that are not intentionally added to feed, but may be introduced in the feed via environmental contamination or during the manufacturing process. Humans can be exposed to these contaminants via consumption of products from animals that have ingested contaminated feed. Depending on the concentration of the contaminant in products like milk, eggs or (organ)meat, this exposure could result in adverse health effects in humans. When feed is contaminated, it is important to know how much of the contaminant can end up in animal products that are intended for human consumption.
To estimate this, the transfer models on this website can be used. The models can help to answer questions such as:
- A certain compound exceeds the maximum limit in feed. Is it still safe for humans to eat products from the animals that have been exposed to this contaminated feed?
- A certain compound is found in feed. How long will it take before it is safe for humans to eat products from the exposed animals?
A log with the changes made after the release of version 1.0 of the models can be found here.
How to use this website
This website contains transfer models for specific combinations of feed contaminants and animal. The overview of the available transfer models can be found on the home page. Selecting the animal and the contaminant of interest will lead you to the webpage of the transfer model.
In general, all transfer models are presented following a similar structure, containing fields for input and results and a button to save the input and results. A short general manual for use of the transfer models is described below. A specific manual per model is available via a link at the webpage of that transfer model, at the bottom of this page and under ‘How to use’.
To use a model please follow these four steps:
1. Start by entering data in the input fields. You can:
- Provide the concentration of the contaminant in the feed or feed ingredient
- Choose the type of feed intake (depending on the model, several types of feed or individual feed ingredients are available)
- Provide/adjust the amount of feed intake1
- Provide the exposure period
- Adjust milk production (when available in model)
- Add the regulatory limit for the contaminant in the animal product to display this limit in the graph (optional)
2. Hit enter or the "Run Model" button to run the model.
3. Click the "Report(*.docx)" button to store your input data and the results of your model run (e.g. at your desktop). Your input and results are not stored at the website.
4. Below the model you find references that describe the model and a citation suggestion. In case you refer to the model we kindly request that you use this citation.
For questions and/or suggestions, please contact us at
1 In most models, an average food intake is provided as default based on Van Raamsdonk LWD, Kan CA, Meijer GAL, Kemme PA (2007) Key figures for some farm animals and their consumption patterns [in Dutch];
Specific manuals per model:
- Manual for transfer model aflatoxin B1 - dairy cow
- Manual for transfer model dioxins (total TEQ) - dairy cow
- Manual for transfer model PFOS/PFOA - dairy cow
- Manual for transfer model cadmium - pig
- Manual for transfer model dioxins (total TEQ) - pig
- Manual for transfer model dioxins (congener-specific) - laying hen
- Manual for transfer model dioxins (total TEQ) - laying hen
- Manual for transfer model organochlorine pesticides - laying hen
- Manual for transfer model ndl-PCBs (congener-specific) - laying hen
- Manual transfer model dioxins (congener-specific) - free-ranging cattle grazing in floodplains